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Looking to Become A Mentor for VTC?

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a mentor for Veterans Treatment Court. You are the type of person we are looking for: A Veteran who is passionate about helping a veteran in trouble. These veterans in court have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Personality Disorder which may have caused their criminal offense.

Our Goal

At all times, we strive to ensure our mentors have a maximum of three mentees at a time, however, the preferred amount is one.

Phases to Complete

  • Phase 1:
  • Initial meeting with Coordinator: Introductions, Selecting Mentorship, and Powerpoint Slides of VTC
  • Phase 2:
  • Review 10 Videos with length of 6-10 minutes introducing you to the program and what it is about.
  • Phase 3:
  • Become a Watch Stander; Suicide Training (30 minutes):
  • Phase 4:
  • Complete Background Screen and Initial Packet. Await Background Screen Results
  • Phase 5:
  • Sign Mentor Contract of duties: Commit for 6 Months to ensure this is what you would like to do.
  • Phase 6:
  • Meet Other Mentors
  • Phase 7:
  • Come to and view a minimum of 2 Court Sessions. Court begins at 0930.
  • Phase 8:
  • APPROVED:  Receive first mentee to Mentor.
  • There are 10 videos on the Justice for Vets Website that would greatly help you understand what we do.
  • Through Justice for Vets partnership with PsychArmor, we've developed these 10 short modules to provide training on the critical fundamentals necessary to incorporate mentoring into a veterans treatment court program. They cover the core components of effective mentoring and are intended for veteran mentors, mentor coordinators, and veterans treatment court staff of any experience level.
  • The first four modules include:
    - What is a Veterans Treatment Court?
    - Role of a Veteran Mentor
    - Communications Skills
    - Boundaries and Confidentiality

Justice For Vets

  1. Link to Website: Professional Development - Justice for Vets
  2. Register Requirements:
    - Name
    - Email
    - Court Location
    - Court Position

Mentor Application, Contract &
Welcome Letter

Mentor ContractVA PrimerMentor ApplicationMentor Welcome LetterHandbookFirewatchVTC second Chance videoVTC Intro VideoFirst Week Video